Inserting existing index.html in freeway pro
Inserting existing index.html in freeway pro

inserting existing index.html in freeway pro

Target Image By setting up a stack of graphic items, the Target Image Action can be used to display each graphic when its target number is triggered. Freeway Express can only use graphic items as Target Items. Types of targetThe following types of trigger are all covered in detail in the Softpress KnowledgeBase (see the link after each Action heading). These will not be covered in this article. Note that both random options occasionally display the same item more than once in a row because the algorithm that the Actions runs treats each item completely randomly. The Random Sequence Action works in a similar way so that you can play a set of images in a random order. Random TriggersUsing the Random Rollover Action (see ) or the Random Sequence Action you can set up a rollover to trigger the display of a random image from a given list of images or you can set it up to work on page load by using it in conjunction with the Sequence Timer Action. Sequence Timer Using the Sequence Timer Action you can set up a sequence of images which appear in a particular order, and this is can be set to happen on page load or “on trigger” by clicking on a Play/Pause button. Text Rollover Using the Text Rollover Action it is also possible to use HTML text to set up a trigger in the flow of some text. Although Rollovers are often used as graphics which swap images on mouseover and/or on click, they are also sometimes used as a single graphic so they simply function as a trigger only. These are usually (but not exclusively) graphic items which can be set to trigger a specific target by choosing the number of the target in the Parameters tab of the Rollover Action palette. Rollover By far the most common trigger is a Rollover. Types of triggerThe following types of trigger are all covered in detail in the Softpress KnowledgeBase (see the link after each Action heading). The item or method which switches on the display of another item is called the “trigger” and the item that appears or disappears is called the “target”. Triggers and Targets in Freeway Express 16th of May, 2014 There are many ways to set up the functionality in Freeway to make an item or page appear or disappear by mousing over or clicking another item or by using a specific Action to make it happen automatically.

Inserting existing index.html in freeway pro